Ejercicios adjetivos comparativos. 2, 3, 4, 5

Exercise 2. Escribe el significado de los siguientes adjetivos. 

strong - weak
young - old
short - tall
long - short
big - small
fat - thin 
beautiful - ugly
heavy - light

Exercise 3. Completa las frases. Usa la forma correcta del adjetivo entre paréntesis.
(Complete the sentences. Use the correct form of the adjective in brackets).

1. (tall)  Phil is   than Tim.
2. (small)  The bonsai tree is  than the apple tree.
3. (young)  Kate is   than Clare.
4. (big My Mum's hands are  than my hands.
5. (long) The orange tree's branches are   than the bonsai tree's branches.
6. (old)  Clare is   than Tim and Kate.
7. (thin) The orange tree's leaves are    than the palm tree's leaves.
8. (short)  Liz is  than Mr Green.

Exercise 4. Completa. Usa la forma correcta del adjetivo entre paréntesis. (Complete. Use the correct form of the adjective in brackets).

1. (interesting) The bonsai tree is    than  the orange tree.
2. (colourful) Phil's schoolbag is     than Tim's schoolbag.
3. (difficult) Kate's homework is   than Clare's homework.
4. (colourful) Apple trees are   than palm trees.
5. (beautiful) Edinburgh is      than Cardiff.
6. (interesting) The palm tree's leaves are  than the bonsai tree's leaves.

Exercise 5. Elige la opción correcta. Traduce a español.

1.- A   is smaller than a .

2.- A   is taller than a .

3.- A sofa is   a chair.

4.- A is more beautiful a frog.

5.- A is more expensive a .

6.- A train is faster than   .

7.- An elephant is       sheep.

8.- A     sillier a horse.